Despite the effects of COVID-19, our portfolio companies’ revenues have largely recovered, or improved. Some, like Quantifi Photonics, saw demand shift to the future, while others saw an immediate drop and then a return.
Overall, COVID-19 accelerated the shift to digital services, benefiting all companies in our portfolio.
The result is some strong gains in revenue from some portfolio companies, and even profitability from companies that have operated (deliberately) at a loss for some time. Indeed, just under three quarters of our investment asset value is derived from companies that are currently profitable. The frugality and cautiousness of New Zealand companies, in no small part due to the lack of funding here, certainly helped endure the crisis and set companies up well for the future.
The chart below is one of our favourites, and shows the impact that your investment is helping to make.

You can read the entire Quarterly Report here
And see our Product Disclosure Statement, which includes the investment form.